The India Business Forum (IBF) set up in 2019 at the initiative of the Embassy of India, Manila has since established itself as a key partner in the business landscape of the Philippines as well as in enhancing India-Philippines economic and commercial ties.
The IBF has helped expand dialogue and interactions between local Indian businesses and all relevant Filipino stakeholders. It has provided industry information, promoted India as a business partner and served as a think tank on issues of mutual interest. With a multifaceted approach, the IBF not only facilitates business collaborations but also people to people exchanges thereby strengthening the bonds of friendship between the two countries.
The IBF is led by a committed team that provides the vision and a dynamic membership, which has grown progressively, that strives to contribute to all its endeavors.
In the short span of 5 years, the IBF has witnessed several milestones along the way, especially in establishing tie- ups with key national and regional business chambers as well as played a lead role in B2G and B2B engagement
through well attended India business road shows across the country. Given its diverse and active membership, the IBF should continue to function as the leading voice of Indian business in the Philippines and assist both well established and newer Indian companies that seek mutually gainful business collaborations with Filipino companies.
Looking ahead, I am optimistic for a future of resilient and connected growth between India and the Philippines, driven and enabled by new and emerging technologies, especially innovative Indian digital technologies. The IBF has the full support and cooperation of the Embassy in leveraging existing opportunities whilst navigating an increasingly challenging business environment, to deliver on the shared objective of stronger economic ties between India and the Philippines as two Indo-Pacific democracies, based on the principles of equal partnership and mutual benefit.
Namaste and Mabuhay! hip and mutual benefit.
Namaste and Mabuhay!